Thursday, May 23, 2013


I should apologise for my complete disappearance over the last 8 days; I have been in the midst of exam season, so the blog has taken a backseat. Nevertheless, I am back!

I took this photo yesterday evening, using my phone. The straps of my bag broke, and while still on the search for a new one, have not been able to carry my equipment. Mobile phones has become commonplace, and is a useful tool if you spot a photo that is unlikely to be repeatable- such as this.

It was getting late and the sunset didn’t look as it normally would, because of the clouds. Because of this, I decided to walk up the hill in the nature reserve to try and get some clear photos. My phone has the ability to meter from any point (done by pressing the object you would like to expose for), making it a useful tool for silhouetting parts of the image. I touched the middle cloud, in order to make the foreground of the town a silhouette.

I have sharpened the image in Photoshop as the image quality is obviously not going to be that of a DSLR. I also increased the contrast and decreased the brightness to make the clouds appear more dramatic. I also increased the saturation, as I wanted the change from blue to orange in the sunset more prominent. I’m really pleased with the final image, despite being from a phone. I called the image hiding, because I decided that this is what it looked like the sun was doing; a familiar story fro Britain!


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